Friday, 17 June 2016

Romantic Botanicals #49

Redemption in Pickpocket Alley

Thundershowers all morning. I go outside to check all our downspouts and make a map of the problems but don't start painting till 2:30.  A neighbour comes by while I am painting to chat about art and his experience at art school. It is good to connect with another creative person.

This is a 3 hour painting. This work has a lightness because I started out making a yellow painting and then felt I wanted to keep the same colours of my previous Yarrow to connect the two paintings. The yellow underlay gives the turquoise a warm glow.  I want to show this crossroads and falling down feeling. The stems crisscross and bend down but there is an optimism that things will be redeemed.

romantic botanicals #49, Redemption in Pickpocket Alley,  June 17,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" sunny. 3hr

see the yellow underglow and the quick brush strokes.

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