Friday, 10 June 2016

Romantic Botanicals #42

Miss Beatrice and The Modern Man

So hot my brain is melting out my nose. I paint for 5 hours but spend at least half of that starring into space. It is 30 degrees.

The bright sun has me painting pale colours and harsh contrasts with very little mid range tones. I like the tall stems that use the whole vertical space, the fragmented blotchiness that the heat has me painting, the tiny archway in the middle of the work and the bees hovering about like tiny aircrafts.

romantic botanicals #42 Miss Beatrice and The Modern Man, June 10,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" 5hr, Sunny Hot

I never had time to paint the dandelions and now this is what they look like. All the plants are heaving up around me and I can not go back. The plum, pear and apple blossoms all have tiny fruit.

The next door building crew It is a hot day for them too doing insulation!

I did not follow my rule of mixing new paints to begin the day. I just went at it. See I am still using the cardboard cover to keep everybody out of my paint.

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