Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Mystery Botanicals #22

Miss Myrtle's Rescue

Sunny! Made cat found posters. The kids have not put them up, motivation low as they are hoping to keep kitty.

I sit in the warm sun and am able to paint faster because my fingers are warm. I am snug and there are pink fall leaves on the plum tree so I mix a warm colour pallet. The seed balls of the garlic chives bend and cluster in groups and the grasses swirl at their feet. Miss Myrtle's rescue may or may not be necessary but it is full of misadventure and fun.

mystery botanicals #22 Miss Myrtle's Rescue, September 28,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" sunny 3h

Sleeping bunny is so quiet

Shouting squirrel is so loud

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