Wednesday 21 September 2016

Mystery Botanicals #15

Engagement Thwarters for Hire

The apple tree still has some fruit but it is darkening and falls in mushy blobs. They land all over our car so I drive around town and it looks like I have been attacked by angry apple throwing malcontents.

The apples are in two sets of couples the dark chubby plotting couple in the corner and the in love but separated couple standing near each other but not touching. My favorite part of this painting is the cluster of pink leaves that bounce upward.

mystery botanicals #15 Engagement Thwarters for Hire, September 21,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" overcast and intermittent rain drops 3h

This tiny red squirrel eats the apples in the tree beside me.

The small red squirrel is fierce. I see it chase off a large grey squirrel. This whole apple tree must be this red squirrel's turf.

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