Thursday, 22 September 2016

Mystery Botanicals #16

The Engagement Thwarters Return to Apple Valley

I start and stop 3 times today as I have to work and volunteer. I end up stuffing 100's of hotdogs into buns and wrappers for the meet the teacher BBQ.  I smell like a hotdog. This packing up and setting up over and over makes an image that reflects the hecticness. It is good to make art in all states of mind so that the whole emotional spectrum is recorded.

I am working with the extremes of each corner of the canvas. The main characters occupy the distant spots with the separating engagement thwarters occupying the center and blocking the possible connection. I keep the pallet warm and red.  Bits of blue sky flick thorough like tiny bits of confetti.

mystery botanicals #16 The Engagement Thwarters Return to Apple Valley, September 22,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" sunny 3h

The chickadees call out and land in the apple tree but when I grab the camera they are gone. This scenario is repeated many times. So I give up and photograph the squirrel running on the power line in the alley.

At the meet the teacher BBQ.

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