Saturday, 9 July 2016

Romantic Botanicals #71

The True Original

It starts fine, the day, then we hear a sound like a fire hose going off in our bathroom. The hot water connection broke and is spraying hot water. There is 4 inches deep of hot water on the floor by the time Rick turns off the water main. It is fast but the clean up of the bathroom and then the basement and basement storage took most of the day. It is a day that I would not have made art if I was not doing one-a-days. When I sit to paint it feels meditative. I am realizing something about myself, I like structure. Then the thundershowers come.

This is the Oregano in Marshall's garden. I told him it was a pizza spice, which it is.

With this The True Original title I imagine 3 characters vying for the position of most eccentric or unusual person in the village and two of them falling in love with each other and the third winning the title.

This painting is yellowish green. The colour represents the rest of the oregano plant which I give no information beyond colour. There are many buds but only these three stalks bloom. The flowers are tiny and in bunches like mini bouquets. This work is extremely loose because I am so tired and then the rains come. The work is raw like me today.

romantic botanicals #71  The True Original, July 9,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" overcast, 2h  

Spotted some wildlife under the Oregano

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