Saturday, 8 October 2016

Mystery Botanicals #32

The Allure of Mrs. Plum

This is our plum tree it has gone all pink. I have not painted just leaves in this series until today. They are just so flat I an not sure they will have enough interest on their own but the plum tree leaves are such an amazing pink that I jumped in.
This painting is pink. The two in focus leaves point at each other while their respective partners are unaware.

mystery botanicals #32  The Allure of Mrs. Plum, October 8,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" sun and overcast mix, 2h

We still have the cat. We put up more posters today in case the rain washed out the others. We bought a harness and leash because the cat is getting cabin fever. Here is my daughter giving the cat a walk.

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