Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Mystery Botanicals #28

Promise me a Whirlwind

The forecast is for a lighting storm and rains. I set up my plastic hut but it flaps in the wind so noisy and hitting me constantly. Half way through I take in down. I need to build a solid transparent movable hut but not today.

I paint the whole work drawing with the brush. It is so full and tight it looks good but I want an open bit and a closed bit because I don't want to trap the viewer. I wipe off the top half and sketch it in lightly. I like the wild abandon feeling of it like a storm is just approaching.

mystery botanicals #28 Promise me a Whirlwind, October 4,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" overcast, windy 1.5h

When I pack up the rains begin.

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