Saturday, 1 October 2016

Mystery Botanicals #25

Professor Pear and the Situation of Surrender

Nuit Blanche is on tonight so I will go and see all the art others have made. I still have images in my mind from the last two Nuit Blanches. My favourite was the car full of water, dripping and spilling onto the street.

There is a hot spot among the pears where all the wasps are. They eat, fight and fly. I make a yellow work. This painting talks about death. I think of the Dutch masters paintings about mortality using fruit and flower still lifes that mix full bloom beside decomposition. I am afraid of death.

mystery botanicals #25 Professor Pear and the Situation of Surrender, October 1,  2016 oil on canvas 9" x 12" sunny 4h

I needed a new photo for google because I have aged since the last one so I had Rick take this one when I was painting. I look a bit like a fuzzy bear.

This bird was right in front of me chomping on an insect.

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